Intro to $WHOIS
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Welcome to $WHOIS - AI Search. In today's epoch, crypto investors and degens spend endless hours over Telegram, Twitter etc, exchanging investment information and looking for the next runner to buy.
Due to Telegram's inherent anonymous nature, scammers and malicious actors as well as influencers or shillers are able to pose under different accounts, personalities and characters in order to perform their malicious activities - essentially scamming investors' money.
The crypto world would be safer if there were a means of easily exposing or identifying users and groups that promote scams. This is our goal at $WHOIS.
Our utilities empower users with tools to discover alpha users and groups. Holders can access a global social-proof catalog of crypto entities (e.g., influencers, groups) analyzed by AI, so that you can find the most legitimate, profitable, or active ones.